Brookside Gardens’ Living Plant Collection
The collection is comprised of trees, shrubs, perennials, and bulbs that are intended for long-term display. Seasonal or annual plants are not included in our Living Plants Database. Search results will include plants located in Brookside and McCrillis Gardens.
Search Tips
- Enter one or more words from the scientific or common name (excluding authorities or cultivar indicators, e.g. “cv”).
- Entries can be either uppercase or lowercase.
- Either “*” or “]” can be used as wildcard characters at the end of any search values. For example, to search for all values starting with “Mag”, enter “mag*” or “mag]“.
- Multiple search criteria should be separated by a comma. For example, to look up only Cornus florida, type “Cornus florida“ only. To look up both Cornus florida and Camellia japonica, enter “Cornus florida, camellia japonica“.